Our Approach
At Qii/T, we create a caring and supportive environment to enable our students to focus on their studies. Our courses provide you with opportunities to put your learning into practice at various qualification levels, enabling you to gain accreditation to fast-track into either university education or employment. We strongly encourage our students to become 'active learners,' developing their skills whilst increasing their proficiency in English language communication. This approach to education will prove invaluable to you throughout your life across a very wide range of both personal and professional encounters.
Every student undertaking a training program at Qii/T will gain sought-after transferable employability skills, recognisable by employers and other training institutions throughout Australia. Time management and the ability to meet deadlines will play an important role in your training program. During your studies with us, you shall compile a portfolio of evidence (plans, reports, assessments, schedules, drawings, PowerPoint presentations, etc.) which you can use to demonstrate your abilities to future employers.
Why Qii/T?
Complete attention to academic and personal needs
Personal tutoring on Assessments
Individual student-teacher contact
Challenging and diverse study activities
Regular and structured academic counselling and feedback on progress from trainers
Flexible and free-flowing study sessions